Amalek Versus a Torah Society

Make no mistake about it: the rot eating away at Western society from within has nothing to do with rectifying any problems in society. It is a war led by Amalekites, powered by an army of empty people and useful idiots, against God and everything sacred. This war...

Courting Israel

Chazal teach that the Land of Israel is acquired with suffering, which is not the best sales pitch for aliya. Moving and acclimating to any new environment is difficult, but it seems moving to Israel has a built-in spiritual requirement for the transition to be...

Living Among the Secular and Irreligious

Opportunities arise, and opportunities vanish: We must seize the opportunity immediately when it presents itself to us. Often, the chance will not present itself again in the future. No matter how unrealistic the scenario seems at that time, and that maybe, a better...

Idol Worship in Exile

The Rabbis taught: One should always dwell in Israel, even in a city that is mostly heathen, and not dwell outside of Israel, even in a city that is mostly Jewish – for anyone who dwells in the Land of Israel is likened to one who has a God, and anyone who dwells...

The dove is being called to return

וישלח את היונה וגו’ ולא מצאה מנוח וגו’: יהודה בר נחמן בשם רבי שמעון אמר אלו מצאה מנוח לא היתה חוזרת. ודכוותה “היא ישבה בגוים לא מצאה מנוח” (איכה א) – אלו מצאה מנוח לא היו חוזרים. ודכוותה “ובגוים ההם לא תרגיע ולא יהיה מנוח וגו'”...