Needless to say, moving to Israel because of negative factors like anti-Semitism and assimilation are not the ideal motivation which ever Jew should feel toward Zion as a member of Am Yisrael. It is far better to make Aliyah out of deep Torah understandings and the yearning to live the fullest Jewish life possible in the Holy Land which Hashem bequeathed to the Jewish People for all eternity. To reach this exalted level of cleaving to Hashem, and a fervent yearning for Yerushalayim, much study is needed. Unfortunately, during our long exile and separation from our Homeland, the recognition of the vital connection between the Jewish People, the Torah, and the Land of Israel were largely unlearned. Judaism became concentrated on “Four cubits of Halachah” and the private mitzvot a Jew could still perform outside of the Land. The centrality of the Land of Israel to Torah was forgotten. Therefore to introduce readers to concepts of Torah to which they may never had exposure to, here is a list of recommended books which explore the many different facets of “Torat Eretz Yisrael” which our Sages deemed the most exalted level of Torah study, saying, “There is no Torah like the Torah of Eretz Yisrael.”

Most of the books can be found on Amazon Books.
- Torat Eretz Yisrael by Rabbi David Samson.
- Eretz Yisrael, The Teachings of Rabbi Kook, by Rabbi David Samson and Tzvi Fishman.
- Eim HaBanim Smeichah by Rabbi Issachar Teichtel.
- The Kuzari by Rabbi Yehuda HaLevi.
- Eretz Yisrael, The Teachings of Rabbi Kook, by Rabbi David Samson and Tzvi Fishman.
- Step By Step by Rabbi Chaim Druckman.
- Israel Redeemed by Rabbi Dov Begon.
- Arise from the Dust by Rabbi Tzvi Glatt.
- Dawn of Redemption by Rabbi Yaacov Filber.
- Like Father, Like Son by Rabbi Shlomo Aviner and Tzvi Fishman.
- The Return of Israel and the Hope of the World by Avraham Livni.
- To Dwell in the Palace by Rabbi Zev Leff.
- War and Peace, The Teachings of Rabbi Kook, by Rabbi David Samson and Tzvi Fishman.
- The Jewish Idea by Rabbi Meir Kahane.
- Time to Come Home by Rabbi Meir Kahane.
- From Israel with Love by Tzvi Fishman.