Are you a US Board Certified Doctor interested in making Aliyah or do you know one?

Do you have a specialty that can be practiced via TeleMedicine?

There is a professional organization looking for US Board Certified Physicians who have an existing relationship with a Hospital/Medical Center in the US,

This organization can provide the corporate and technical infrastructure for you to shift your practice to one via TeleMedicine.

Currently searching for Intensivists. (Have position available).

Open for other specialties if they have an existing relationship that can be converted to TeleMedicine.

Make Aliyah with a US income!

For more information contact me at:

Hillel Levin
Ma’ale Adumim; overlooking Yerushalayim, Ir HaKodesh for 3000 years.
Connecting with my brothers and sisters!
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FB Page: 
Israel Chesed Opportunities Job Opps in Israel
