by Hillel Levin | Jun 25, 2020 | Hashkafa
I worked as a head hunter for 5 yrs placing trust officers in banks throughout the US over 20 yrs ago. I don’t work with CVs or ResumesI moderate a Facebook group: Israel Chesed Opportunities Job Opps in Israel My...
by Shlomo Wrubel | Jun 21, 2020 | Hashkafa
Opportunities arise, and opportunities vanish: We must seize the opportunity immediately when it presents itself to us. Often, the chance will not present itself again in the future. No matter how unrealistic the scenario seems at that time, and that maybe, a better...
by Dr. Rivkah Lambert Adler | Jun 12, 2020 | Hashkafa
The final few weeks before boarding an aliyah flight are hectic ones for all olim. But for Kerri and Gavin Sacks, they were far more frenzied than usual. Getting here took decades of preparation and a few days of frantic packing. Kerri grew up in a home that...
by Yossi Baumol | Jun 1, 2020 | Hashkafa
Is the erosion of faith in spiritual leaders, part and parcel of the redemptive process? In a previous article I discussed ancient sources which view a pandemic as a stage in Israel’s redemption. What about the erosion of faith in spiritual leaders? Is this too, part...
by Yossi Baumol | Jun 1, 2020 | Hashkafa
Sources from Chazal on a Pandemic as a stage in the Geula, why you should be in Israel now and what we can learn from this. (Written in early May 2020 – before the onset of widespread civil unrest in the US) On 9/11 when the Twin Towers came down, all air...
by Dr. Rivkah Lambert Adler | May 26, 2020 | Hashkafa
When a Jew starts looking into making aliyah, they can get completely overwhelmed by all the logistical issues that pop up. Our brains are flooded with questions like: • What the heck is an apostille and how did I get to this age without ever hearing of it? • How did...